Indie Spotlight: SHOW YOURSELF Launches Crowdfunding Campaign


Show Yourself Poster Art

“Los Angeles based „Show Yourself‟ launches crowdfunding campaign to raise $15K for February/March production”

Glass Half Productions and Ghost Road Productions have launched their crowdfunding campaign for the independent horror film, Show Yourself, scheduled for production in February and March of 2015. Filming will take place in Kern County, California, as well as Los Angeles proper with a projected release date of the fourth quarter in 2015.

An alternative take on the popular and overused horror tropes of the genre, Show Yourself attempts to subvert horror clichés at every turn. Ben Hethcoat stars as Travis, a young man who travels to a remote campsite to say goodbye to his recently deceased friend, Paul. As Travis deals with his grief in various ways, his hopes of disconnecting from the outside world become no match for the conveniences of modern technology. Communicating with family and friends via web-cam and Facetime, Travis soon starts to experience strange occurrences around the campsite that make him wonder whether or not his friend is really gone. Travis begins playing detective, setting traps for the possible spirit, until a spontaneous revelation leads him to realize the line between the natural and supernatural might not be as clear as he originally suspected.

First time writer and director Billy Ray Brewton had this to say: “I was watching The Big Chill and started thinking – “Wouldn’t it be fantastic if Alex (the character whose death sets in motion the events of the film) came back as a ghost and started haunting and playing tricks on all of the other characters?” The idea that everything that happens in that film was the result of a haunting became too must to resist. So I watched The Blair Witch Project and The Changeling back-toback
and the idea started taking shape.Show Yourself was born from that.”

Brewton,a playwright and filmmaker who recently relocated to Los Angeles from Birmingham, Alabama, was the subject of the documentary, Skanks, which premiered at the 2014 Slamdance Film Festival and is currently distributed by Film Buff. While Show Yourself is a far cry from the over-the-top musical comedy camp of Skanks, Brewton assures his trademark sense of humor
hasn’t disappeared entirely. “There are certainly humorous moments in the script. I can’t write something that doesn’t have humor. It’s just not the focus of the piece. I’m obsessed with finding that balance between horror, drama and comedy. Edgar Wright is a master. I want to be too.”


Show Yourself on Indiegogo

Show Yourself has already attracted some reputable talent to its roster. The film is being produced by Cameron West, who has recently formed Ghost Road Pictures; and Emmy award winning producer Ash Christian, director of Fat Girls and Petunia and producer of the upcoming films, Dynamite: A Cautionary Tale and The Inherited. Los Angeles-based actor Ben Hethcoat
(Dead Dad) stars as Travis, the film’s protagonist. Hethcoat is also a producer himself and at work on the horror anthology, The Mortuary Collection, with director Ryan Spindell. Additional cast include actor Barak Hardley (Mockingbird), New York-based actor David McElwee (Boardwalk Empire) and Chicago-based writer/director/actor Stephen Cone (The Wise Kids).
The crowdfunding campaign for Show Yourself concludes on February 10th, as the film goes into production later that month. There are numerous ways to donate to the campaign and perks include: social media shout-outs, t-shirts, limited edition posters, invitations to screenings and film related events, special credits on the film and more. Brewton has even taken to offering special video performances for certain levels of donations: “I just want to offer as many fun perks as possible. If I have to humiliate myself to do that, why not?” Donations to Show Yourself can be made via IndieGoGo at the following link: Additional press inquiries can be made by e-mailing the film’s producer at .

Indie Spotlight: SHOW YOURSELF Launches Crowdfunding Campaign

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Chad Armstrong

Editor-In-Chief at LeglessCorpse
Editor-In-Chief President of Eli Roth's The Crypt Mobile App. Writer, horror movie lover, and all around sarcastic bastardo.