THE FIRST STEP (2014): Short Film Review…For The Kid In You

When I was younger, I never really went to “summer camp”; around here, we just got a lot of family and/or friends together and went camping. Now I’m talking old-school, the-ground-is-your-bed and what-you-carry-on-your-back-is-what-you’ve-got camping; strictly miles out in the woods, no cell phones, tablets, cook stoves or RVs. In this environment, the groups I was […]

DEVIANT (2008): Short Film Review

Following up on a tip I received in a recent interview, I’ve had the opportunity to review a short film from across the Atlantic. As with any short, I went into it expecting to come out with more questions than answers, but with enough meat on the bones to plant a good story in my […]

HUSH (2014): Short Film Review…Less Is More…

How often have you heard in your lives, Fellow Fans, the old adage about how sometimes, “less is more”?  As we all know, horror films are certainly one place that this lesson is seldom applied.  Now, don’t take that the wrong way; if you’ve read any of my other reviews, you know that I love […]

OUT OF ONE’S MISERY (2013): Short Film Review

In a short film, finding a way to make every second count is the real challenge to the filmmaker.  When you’ve only got ten to twenty minutes to work with, there’s no time to waste on exposition or frivolous dalliances; if the audience’s attention isn’t grabbed right outta the gate and held with an iron […]