SCHIZO (1976): Retro Review…It’s All In The Timing

I always try to go at any film respecting the time that it was made; granted, that’s not always easy, but otherwise, it would be near-impossible to enjoy classics like Nosferatu, The Bride of Frankenstein, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, or even later films like Creature from the Black Lagoon, The Thing from Another World, […]

DOLLS (1987): Retro Review…A Grim, Grown-Up Fairytale

Fairytales are the stuff born of nightmares; I think it’s pretty safe to say that such cautionary morality stories were one of the primary forerunners of the modern horror film. Spirits, “little people”, goblins and long-leggedy beasties…I can’t come up with a single fright film out of the many that I’ve seen that doesn’t have […]


While other kids eagerly waited for Saturday morning cartoons to begin, I scoured the TV guide hoping and praying that some scary flick would be playing. The 80’s would inevitably always be the Mecca for B-rated horror films. They were the type of films that at times you hated to love, but were always eager […]

THE FOG: Retro vs. Remake…A Head-To-Head Review

The Fog (1980) The modern “ghost story” is pretty convoluted now.  In these days of Paranormal-What-The-Hell-Ever on every television station and found footage flicks with ghosts cropping up about every six weeks, the classical rendition of a true haunted house or vengeful spirit is becoming passé.  I’m not saying that they aren’t out there, but […]

Retro Trailer “I, Madman”

“I, Madman” was released in 1989 by Trans World Pictures. Directed by Tibor Takács and starred Jenny Wright in the lead role and visual effects artist Randy Cook as the villain. This was one of those great 80′s films with cool makeup effects, and a dark noir atmosphere. If you haven’t checked out this gem […]

Cellar Dweller Retro Poster

Cellar Dweller was one of the coolest monsters of the 1980′s. The movie was released in 1988 and was directed by John Carl Buechler, who also created the monster and FX in the film. It was also produced by Don Mancini creator of Child’s Play and Chucky Doll.