KILLERVISION 2014 A Great Movie Experience


Killervision 2014

Killervision is the 2014 Australian film starring Damien E. Lipp as Jared, Susie Kazda as Shelby, and Katrina Gow as Donna. The movie is about a guy named Jared who has a promising future, but all his dreams are shattered when he is left with permanent brain damage after being injured in a car accident. Jared starts to find comfort in B Horror films, but over time, he starts seeing images of people he know being murdered while watching them. Jared tries to put a stop to it, but no one will believe him. Things just start getting worse and worse from there. It’s up to Jared to put a stop to the madness before he’s next.

Lipp and Kazda are great as Jared and Susie, the loving couple. The two of them have beautiful chemistry and I really bought them as a couple. Kazda was as cute as a button and Lipp was fantastic bringing the fear and confusion to his character.

As for the plot, it was pretty good. I found myself engaged in the storyline from beginning to end. The reason why I didn’t say that the plot was great is because there were two plot twists at the end and I guessed them both. I don’t know if that’s because I’ve been reviewing movies for a majority of my twenties or maybe it’s because the twists have been done a lot, but I have to give the movie credit because it wasn’t blatantly obvious, like in the movie Secret Window.

Now for the big question, would I recommend it? I would say yes. I know, I know, I guessed the big reveals, but that doesn’t mean that the movie isn’t worth your time. I still had a good experience and the acting was pretty solid throughout the film. I’d say, give it a shot and have fun, even if you don’t get surprised!


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In my early twenties, I was an actress in some horror films and I wrote film reviews on a Christian website under the name Sarah Brock. I'm now happy to explore the world of horror once again.